“New Rules of Marketing & PR” Review

new rules of marketing and pr I just finished reading the book, “New Rules of Marketing & PR” by David Meerman Scott and definitely think its a book many adrianchilders.com readers would enjoy.  I found myself taking several notes and coming up with several new ideas myself.  Not only does the material in the book provide several good ideas, but helps you come up with your own ideas.   

David is a professional speaker who travels the world educating his audience and clients about the opportunities new media presents.  In his book he covers everything from social networking sites, to blogs, wiki’s, podcasts and much more.  An interesting concept he mentions is that social media now allows us to reach our buyers directly as opposed to having to beg journalists and traditional media outlets to promote whatever it is we are selling.  And by “buyer” he means anyone you are trying to reach to either buy something, donate, subscribe, vote, or whatever your end goal may be.  Companies can now publish content on their own websites, write news releases and have a media section on their own sites specifically for customers. 

Another portion of the book I found interesting was that we have to segment our customers and audience into different “buyer personas” and create content that each would find beneficial.  An example he provides is a university website which must provide information for incoming students, current students, parents and recent alumni.  They all go to the same site but are all looking for different information.  Lastly, he talks about how marketing and PR have really meshed in the last few years and is now almost the same thing.  A primary difference that smart companies do now is provide good, relevant information when customers are actually looking for it, as opposed to interrupting people through commercials, billboards or other traditional ads. 

The book is separated in three parts, 1) “How the Web Has Changed the Rules of Marketing and PR” II) “Web–Based Communications to Reach Buyers Directly” and III) “Action Plan for Harnessing the Power of the New Rules”.  While I found the book an excellent read, once I got to the third part it seemed some ideas where overly repeated.  The few parts that were repetitive were likely just the things David wanted to stress were really important.

Overall it was a great book and would highly recommend it to any individual, company or PR agency looking to leverage the new rules.  You can find the book on Amazon here “New Rules of Marketing and PR”.

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